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更新时间:2025-02-24 15:52:37
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Magic Earth

1. It lauded the discovery as having opened the window on a magic and crucial point in the evolutionary history of life on the Earth.

1. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies─ they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words─ opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success─ just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.

2. Magic Earth的反义词

2. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies― they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words― opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success― just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.

3. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies- they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words- opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success- just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.

4. 5 Stone Skin none Stone Skin Increases the armor class of all characters by 5 + 1 point per point of skill in Earth Magic.
5 护体石肤 none 护体石肤提高所有队员的防御等级,增加点数为5点加上魔法等级。

5. Magic Earth的意思

5. Particularly i am infected with by the magic power that piles it on, resemble the Libai:Flyinging flow to keep down 3, 000 Chinese footses, grey hair has 3, 000 zhangs, a man is guarding ten thousand man cant in; Chairman Mao:Suddenly turning back, leaving the day is three Chinese foots, little ball of earth contains a few flies bumping the wall.

6. Wojian right hand, left unspoken magic Yun, a bow legs Martha such attack in the posture of defense in a down to earth, it is Art.

7. Magic Earth的近义词

7. Resistance to Earth magic by an amount equal to your skill in Earth and lasts one hour per point of skill. 1 point resistance per point of skill 2 points resistance per point of skill 3 points resistance per point of skill 4 points resistance per point of skill P
每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加1点防御值每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加2点防御值每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加3点防御值每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加4点防御值 P

8. Magic Earth

8. Like blood, rain still falling in the world, a person alone in this lively artists of the familiar and yet the earth virtual cities Xinmiao霓红灯blinding flashes of the red of the night, heavy atmosphere magic emanation of the air was filled with pedestrians footsteps.

9. To describe the magic, fantastic domain of the Journey to the West, the author flaps his wings of imagination and soars as freely as possible in the fantastic sky, breaking away in time and space from the fetters of life and death and the barriers between heaven and earth. His characters are free to ascend up to the celestial palaces and descend down to Hades, travel through the dragons` palaces, mount the fairy mountains and visit the caves deep in the mountains.


10. We shouldn't be addicted in the unreal world of magic, we need to be down-to-earth in real life.

11. Magic Earth

11. He is said to have established magic itself and created all the spells that set the sky and earth into motion.

12. Whether he is using bullet-proof fabrics to make a tent, fashioning an explosive device from the last gallon of oil on Earth, making a person run in order to watch a film, even in his ludic reference to a fable on magic beans, we discover contrasting, humorous and imaginative ideas which do not exist in the real world.

13. While'Magic Eye'is staying in the Earth for a certain period, his friend'Magic Tiger'is going to visit him.

14. I wish there are many, for example: I want to have a pair of Xiang Yi, freedom of flying in the air; I wanted to be a teacher, to the flowers of the motherland irrigation nutrition; I want to be an astronaut, on the magical mystery of space, viewing the Heaven and Earth Magic, universe wide.

15. 156Tm, far away from double magic nucleus, belongs to the rare-earth nuclei.
156Tm 是远离双幻数的稀土区核,目前为止对~(156)Tm 核的研究工作比较少,已有的能级结构信息也很少。

16. Magic Earth的解释

16. Dad promises the only honest answer I can give and then proceeds to spin a convoluted tale about a time when dinosaurs and dodo birds walked the Earth alongside wizards, unicorns, and fairies. As people began to take control of the world, the magic began to fade. The last remaining fairy promised to speak through parents and leave treasures for children as long as they believe. This poorly written story is tediously long and wordy, replete with sentence fragments as well as sentence after sentence beginning with and or but.

17. Magic Earth什么意思

17. While combatants from Outworld have magic and darkness on their side, fighters from the Earth Realm have only their strength, both physical and mental, and the belief that their cause is just and right.


18. Many people do not know, Qionglai magic of this beautiful paradise, not only the center of the earth, but also in the world

19. In return for certain magic items, the Earth Faerie will give one of your pets a grand feast!

20. Magic Earth的反义词

20. Therefore, as a minister of the world popular Dahua limited freedom of the nature of existence, only in our role in the existence of heaven and earth, such as Yuan thundering that the universe originated from the depths of the creation of a free force, the role of the existence and origin of the universe from the Department and profound, the circulation about the head-hyun is the magic power of creativity combined with a limited individual who is so humble though, such as chilling black sheep habitat, but the humble life is as vast as the universe as full of divine.

Hou Yi watched from the earth and took out his magic bow to shoot down the moon.(后羿从地球上观看,并拿出了他的神奇弓击落的月亮。)
This utopian novel is arguably not really ‘fantasy’, due to the lack of any magic or fantastic elements to speak of; indeed it even takes place on Earth.(可以说,这部乌托邦小说并不是真正的“幻想”小说,因为它缺乏我们谈到的魔幻或幻想元素,事实上故事甚至是发生在地球上的。)
Kyushu earth unthinkable long years, has experienced innumerable people, demons, magic, God, melee, hold the extraordinary danger.(九州大地在不可想象的漫长岁月中,经历了无数场人、妖、魔、神的混战,蕴藏着非同一般的危险。)
By using the Earth-sun distance as his baseline, Copernicus relied upon the magic of geometry to figure out that Jupiter is over 5 times the Earth's distance from the sun!(凭借地球和太阳之间距离为基线和魔术几何定律,哥白尼运算出木星与太阳的距离是地球与太阳距离的5倍。)
But one day, people on earth accidentally shot the Magic Bird. And when Emperor Jade heard that the Magic Bird had been killed, he was very very angry.(但是有一天,地上的人们不小心射中了神鸟,将它杀死了。玉帝听说此事,非常非常生气。)
Earth is about to arrive at one of those little stations, and so many awaiting a magic ascension, think the train will have arrived.(地球是要到达这样一个小站了,许多人等待着魔幻的提升,认为火车已经到来。)
There is not a culture on Earth that does not have it, and our brains are wired to apprehend and be moved by its magic.(地球上所有的文明都包含音乐,我们的大脑能够理解它并被它的魔力感动。)
His discoveries unlock powers that transform him into a master of a mystical magic intended to protect Earth from supernatural enemies.(他的一系列发现解锁了神秘力量,并将他变成了拥有超凡魔力的魔法师,让他能够在超自然的敌人手下保护地球。)
10 blazing SUNS shone relentlessly, scorching the earth. Hou Yi was a magic archer, so he took his bow and arrows and shot down nine, wisely leaving one to bless the day.(10个炙热的太阳无情地灼烧着大地,后羿是一位神箭手,于是他用弓箭射下了9个太阳,明智地留下一个,让它在白天为人类造福。)
What magic methods on earth do you have?(你到底有什么神奇的魔法?)
Magic Earth是什么意思 Magic Earth在线翻译 Magic Earth什么意思 Magic Earth的意思 Magic Earth的翻译 Magic Earth的解释 Magic Earth的发音 Magic Earth的同义词